About Sulis International Press

Sulis International Press publishes unique and select fiction and nonfiction in hardback, paperback, eBook, and audiobook formats, available for purchase worldwide at all major retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Apple Books, and more.

Four imprints make up the publishing catalog: Riversong Books (fiction), **Sulis Press** (general nonfiction), Sulis Academic (academic books and journals), and Keledei Publications (spirituality and biblical studies).

Sulis is not a vanity press and does not charge authors to publish their books. Sulis’ unique approach to publishing leverages modern technology to lower overhead costs, enabling higher royalties for authors and a quick turnaround to market. Promotion and marketing is in partnership with the authors, utilizing social media and the internet, as well as print and other medium as needed or desired.

How do I submit a book to Sulis International Press?

Sulis does not require authors to have an agent. You may submit a manuscript directly to Sulis with this form. Sulis is looking for unique, engaging, and well-written manuscripts that have been carefully edited. Decisions on publication offers are usually made within 2-3 weeks, and books can often be brought to the market within a matter of months.

What are the requirements for submitting a manuscript?

How long before I hear whether my book has been accepted for publication?

Please allow 1-2 weeks for your submission to be evaluated. We will contact you via the email address you sent as soon as a decision is made.

Can I submit a book for consideration even if it is not completed yet?

Yes, but we would treat it as a book proposal instead of a submission. If we accept your proposal, we will send a ‘conditional offer of publication’ until we are able to review the entire manuscript and offer a contract.

If my book is accepted for publication, who copyedits my manuscript?

Authors are expected to deliver a clean manuscript as we provide only basic proofing. Many authors hire a copyeditor, or we can perform than service for you at a competitive price. Ask your editor, or email Cassie Anderson at author & customer support.

What about pricing, royalties, and sales?

What is the Royalty Rate for Authors? Fiction authors receive 20-25% royalties; nonfiction royalties are 15-20% (depending on the subject matter and reader demographic). “Sales” are all proceeds less any direct costs incurred by your book, i.e., printing and distribution costs, or the cost of printing review copies at your request). We do not take costs for our overhead, nor for any work done by our editors, formatters, designers, or promotions staff.

How is the retail price set? We set the retail price of your book based on page count, content, and intended audience, and printing costs.

When do I receive royalties? Sales reports and royalty checks are mailed on an annual basis every January. Reports include monthly sales, categorized by sales channel, medium (print, eBook, audiobook), and, where available, by country of purchase.

Can I obtain discounts for copies of my books? Yes, authors receive between 20-50% wholesale discount on their printed books, depending number of copies ordered, etc. (No royalties are paid on author or review copies.)

What about promotion and marketing?

When do you market my book? The marketing process begins once we have a publication date. We follow a schedule of pre-publication and post-publication marketing and press releases.